"Good People,
Let me begin with thanking you for subscribing to our newsletter. I'll try to keep you informed on developments of AdA without bothering you too much.
First of: the video is online!
A great big cheer for our friends at mooves for creating this beauty.
Last Saturday, thanks to the nice people of De Klos and Lawn, we had a dress rehearsal in Emmeloord. It went really well and we're pretty confident we won't let the visitors to our November gigs down in any way.
As of now, the single "Day After Yesterday" is for sale as digital download
here. To avoid any doubt: this is a legal download, we will be receiving the proceeds. This however is not the reason why I'd humbly like to ask you to go to the trouble & spend your hard-earned money; these sales would help us climb the Dutch charts and subsequently get the song on national radio. Since it is virtually impossible to get airplay without having a single in the charts, all help will be immensely appreciated.
The download portal I refer to is Dutch, therefore a small manual will be helpful:
click on the 'save' icon next to the price (€1,19 if you want only one song, € 1,89 for bundle of both songs).
in the next window, click "naar de kassa" (to check-out)
next window; choose payment method (paypal is easiest by far) and fill out your email address, then click "naar kassa".
the rest of the procedure depends on the payment method you have chosen.Thanks for your interest & support, greetings
Paulus Tops
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