Dear people!
Today is a sunny day in Holland!
Flowers blossom and the Agua shores are rising.
I am a happy mother :-)
Allow me to barge in with good news.
As you may know I have recorded a single with some of Hollands greatest artists for the good cause of Tibet.
We sing a beautiful Dutch song: Als Je Ooit Nog Eens Terug Kan (If You Could Ever Return)
This single is out now and download-able trough the following link.
If ever, I ask you now to join us and raise money and awareness for the Tibetan people and their situation.
The money that we will raise will go directly to three Tibetan nuns who live in exile in the north of India.
They have been singing a protest song on the steps of the Dalai Lama’s palace and have been arrested by the Chinese government therefor.
For six years they have been severely tortured in prison and their physical damage is so bad that they are not able to work a proper job. They would love to study and live a proper, fulfilling life and money is needed for that.
We are doing all we can to help them achieve this goal. Help us help them by downloading the single!
Many thanks!
More info on Tibet and the Ticket for Tibet Festival here.

In the past few months I have been doing many different projects, collaborations and gigs. Some bigger some small.
I am inspired and blessed with all these great jobs.
One of which is my collaboration with Moonspell.
I sang on their upcoming album Night Eternal which will come out in May.
Check out this song Scorpion Flower on their myspace.

Also, my dear friend Danny Cavanagh and I will do some more shows together.
This time we will go abroad so check our sites for dates. We will put them up soon.
I am looking forward to this very much!
The coming months we are playing many shows and festivals in Holland and we are just peeking round the corner to continue our gigs abroad.
Starting with the Paris & Lille ones this month, Romania in July and we are busy with some more in the fall this year.
I have also written a bunch of new songs which we will take into the studio this summer.
The songs will be more rock oriented and of course I will provide you with all the intensity and romance you are used to hearing from Agua as well.
And last but not the least of news: We are working on our online merchandise shop.
We will let you know as soon as our collection Agua merch is in the air!
Have yourself a wonderful day...
XxX Anneke
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I love that song. And your voice pierce right in to my soul. Your voice is so, so beautiful. Thank you for giving me this experience. :)
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